Teen Dating, Sex Hit Record Lows: Study of Decades of Data

Teen Dating, Sex Hit Record Lows: Study of Decades of Data Compared to the teens of decades past, today’s adolescents just aren’t that into dating or sex. New analyses of 40 years of data (1976-2016) show that the percentage of 12th graders who have ever gone on a date has never been lower. A quarter-century of data on teenage sex (1990-2016) indicate that the percentage of students in the 9th through 12th grades who have ever had sex has also reached a low point. The research report, by Jean M. Twenge of San Diego State University, and Heejung Park of Bryn Mawr College, was just released by the journal Child Development . As the authors noted: “Twelfth graders in the early 2010s went out on dates about as often as 10th graders did in the early 1990s. Having sex went from being the majority experience for high school students (54% of 9th-12th graders in 1991) to the minority experience (41% in 2015).” The decline in these behaviors, and...