
Teen Dating, Sex Hit Record Lows: Study of Decades of Data

Teen Dating, Sex Hit Record Lows: Study of Decades of Data Compared to the teens of decades past, today’s adolescents just aren’t that into dating or sex. New analyses of 40 years of data (1976-2016) show that the percentage of 12th graders who have ever gone on a date has never been lower. A quarter-century of data on teenage sex (1990-2016) indicate that the percentage of students in the 9th through 12th grades who have ever had sex has also reached a low point. The research report, by Jean M. Twenge of San Diego State University, and Heejung Park of Bryn Mawr College, was just released by the journal  Child Development . As the authors noted: “Twelfth graders in the early 2010s went out on dates about as often as 10th graders did in the early 1990s. Having sex went from being the majority experience for high school students (54% of 9th-12th graders in 1991) to the minority experience (41% in 2015).” The decline in these behaviors, and other activities the au

A New Way to Test Your Relationship's Health

A New Way to Test Your Relationship's Health When you think about your relationship satisfaction, what elements come to mind? Researchers often use relationship satisfaction scales designed to capture the positives and negatives in how couples behave with each other. These statements typically attempt to capture the nuances of the many ways in which people get along, or don’t get along, with the person to whom they’re committed. The scores you get on these tests represent a single continuum from unhappy to happy. The assumption behind these measures is that either you’re very satisfied, or you’re not. However, as you undoubtedly know from your own closest ties, you can be simultaneously happy and unhappy with your partner, not just from day-to-day, but from one area to another within your relationship. Sometimes it’s hard to put those feelings into words. Based on the idea that couples can have these decidedly mixed feelings about each other, University of Rochester’s 

The Power of Love

                  The Power of Love Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen. It's not negotiable. The more connected you are, the healthier you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected you are, the more you are at risk. It is also true that the less love you have, the more depression you are likely to experience in your life. Love is probably the best antidepressant there is because one of the most common sources of depression is feeling unloved. Most depressed people don't love themselves and they do not feel loved by others. They also are very self-focused, making them less attractive to others and depriving them of opportunities to learn the skills of love. There is a mythology in our culture that love just happens. As a result, the depressed often sit around passively waiting for someone to love them. But love doesn't work that way. To get love and keep love you have to go out and be active and learn a variety

10 Ways to become a Better Son Daughter in life

In theory, we all know that our parents want only the best for us. They have our best interest at heart, and they will do whatever is in their power to make us happy. In reality, it is hard to remember this concept. There are many times when our beliefs and wants clash with that of our parents’. While there are many children who have good relationships with their parents, there are just as many who don’t. And even those who are in the former group have their fair share of disagreements. Bearing our parents’ perspective in mind, perhaps we need to reflect on how we affect them. Do we make them happy? Do we treat them the way we expect to be treated? In spite of all our differences, perhaps there are compromises to be made, and we can become better at our roles. With Father’s Day coming up, what better time to think about this? Here are some ways to  become a better son or daughter . How to become a better son or daughter 1. Call your parents This is such a simple thi

10 Things To Stop Doing in Your Relationships

10 Things To Stop Doing in Your Relationships Want to build positive relationships? Then make sure not to commit the following 10 things that disrupt relationships: Giving hurtful comments . Are you hurting others by your lack of tact? You might think that you’re being helpful, but your intentions might have hurt the other party instead. Put yourself in others’ shoes first. If it’s not a comment you appreciate hearing yourself, then perhaps it’s not something others will appreciate either. Giving solutions when the person is really looking for a listening ear.  Probably an understatement: A lot of times what people want is a listening ear. Deep down, people have solutions to the problems they are facing – they are just looking for someone to share their frustrations with because they have had a long and hard day. I had a friend who would always butt in with suggestions whenever I shared my frustrations. Our conversations became stifling – in the end I stopped talking about


There. One can even try becoming a dictator after gaining power. There is a major difference between the action and actions, although with power one can force other people to do things. In the current age, many people are trying to find happiness in beverages, fashion, sex and drugs. They wish to escape to a world of dreams from the problem ridden world. There is a difference between joy and what we describe as enjoyment and pleasure. And pleasure is experienced and is infinitely stronger. It is the master, the tutor and the pupil and love between parents and children, husband and wife, sister and brother, lover and his beloved and the servant.  Love should be practiced with no motive. One who makes others happy with loving himself feel for having loved, happy. One should follow the course of love to attain happiness. Love fills an individual with noble emotions! compassion, sympathy, sacrifice, understanding, welfare etc. A mother's love for her kids is something very divin

What is LOVE

There are different hierarchies of need defined in an attempt to comprehend the human psychology. The first level of the hierarchy is comprised of the basic needs of the life. The air, water, food etc. these are the most important and most neglected needs of the human existence. Since, they are easily met; we don't pay much attention to them. The second level of hierarchy is the love and recognition by our family and friends. This is followed by the materialistic needs and in the end when a person achieves all these needs he looks out for something else and all these things mean nothing to him. And he moves for self realisation. But here, we will concentrate on the second level of hierarchy- the need of Love. Love is one of the most wonderful feelings one can ever experience. To love and desire to be loved are the basic human traits. Everyone is in search of true love throughout life. Blessed are those who find their love and enjoy the solace. Love is all around you. All it tak