What is LOVE

There are different hierarchies of need defined in an attempt to comprehend the human psychology. The first level of the hierarchy is comprised of the basic needs of the life. The air, water, food etc. these are the most important and most neglected needs of the human existence. Since, they are easily met; we don't pay much attention to them. The second level of hierarchy is the love and recognition by our family and friends. This is followed by the materialistic needs and in the end when a person achieves all these needs he looks out for something else and all these things mean nothing to him. And he moves for self realisation. But here, we will concentrate on the second level of hierarchy- the need of Love.
Love is one of the most wonderful feelings one can ever experience. To love and desire to be loved are the basic human traits. Everyone is in search of true love throughout life. Blessed are those who find their love and enjoy the solace. Love is all around you. All it takes is the right perception. As soon as a young baby is born, he is endowed with parental love. Parents struggle day and night to bring him up and provide him the best this world can offer. They perspire in the day and then awake at night looking after their cherub. When the baby grows a little younger, he gets the love of his peers. With his growing age the circle of love also widens. Friends are the important milestones in one's life. And we all love our true friends who stood by us in thick and thin of life.life is good.

Then, come the most crucial phase of life. The search for the life partner begins. True love is experienced and defined at this stage of life only. It is the basic human instinct to reproduce and continue the chain of life. To do so, all of us search for the most compatible person. With whom we want to share all the rights and wrongs of life. Love paves the way for the future life and generations. A new cycle begins at this stage of life. But this is the usual course of love and not necessarily the compulsory one.
Love is beyond any restrictions and rules. To love someone is like to be the best person of his life. Love has the extreme powers and can make anything possible. All of us possess the hidden potential. All it takes is a recognition and inspiration. With the right person by your side, you can sail through the tough times of life.
'Loving thyself' is the main mantra and the driving force of the universe. You cannot love anyone if you don't love yourself. To be in love and even the desire to be loved by others can only be fulfilled if you value and love your life and existence in this cosmos. Love knows no boundaries and discriminations. This world is a beautiful creation of the almighty and with love we can fill the best of the colours making it more vibrant and lively.
